Thursday, January 03, 2013

safety blinker

Today I did make something, even something wire-wrapped. It was a utilitarian project, rather than jewelry.

Since October I've been using Tom's old stroller on most of my outside walks. For night safety I have red strobe blinkers on the wheels, as well as the eye-searing fluorescent orange vest Sonia gave me. The clips don't work too well on wheel spokes, so the strobes have been held on with clear packing tape that has been getting increasingly tattered.

So today I made one of them a sturdy copper wire bezel of sorts, with 16-gauge "ears" to wrap around the spokes. It is not very neat, and the prongs that were intended to wrap around to the back of the light are too short. But it is not going to come apart (a problem when I have to change the battery) and it is not going to come off the wheel when it's attached. And, an improvement over the way it has been, the little switch will not be obstructed by a spoke.

Now all I have to do is get the other one taken care of tomorrow!

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